Thursday, January 21, 2016

Murphy's Story

Hello my followers!
            Today, I thought I would take some time to share my story with you. Some of you might like to know the Murphy behind the blogs. My life is definitely not dull! It has taken me several years to mold into the fine man I am today!
            Well, it all started in June, 2009. My previous parents were moving away and could not take me with them. Bummer, I know! SAH was already my second home, Dr. Ellis has been seeing me since I was a wee kitten. I was hoping SAH would adopt me but, I’m not your typical cat and I came with some baggage!
            Does everyone remember the scars on my face? Well, I had a condition where I would self-traumatize. So basically, I would scratch and beat myself up to the point that I would create large wounds. Silly, right?! I couldn’t tell you why I did this; it was a mystery for all of us. Luckily, SAH loved me even though I was an odd one so, I became part of the SAH family! Little did I know this was a huge turning point in my life, everything was about to change.
            At first, we were hoping my behavior was due to an environmental allergy. Ya’know, pollen, dust mites, something along those lines. Wrong-o! No improvement with environment change. I continued to traumatize my face with my dagger claws so they tried to put these silly things called Soft Pawz on me! Nice try humans! Well that didn’t last long, no way was I going to keep those plastic caps over my nails so, I just pulled them off with my teeth! Have I mentioned I can be a pain in the caboose?!
            Next, they changed my diet to a hypoallergenic form in case a food allergy was the issue. I was treated monthly with a flea preventative to make sure fleas were not adding to the problem. They even treated my sores with the therapeutic laser to help decrease swelling and promote healing. I was treated like a king!  My wounds started to heal and I was feeling a little better, but not 100%. We started to think that maybe stress was the main reason for my odd behavior. Now don’t get me wrong, I was very happy and loved my new home but something was off.
            So, anxiety medication it was! This actually helped a lot! I calmed down, became more relaxed and the traumatizing slowly decreased. I was on the road to recovery! Wahoo! Then my ladies at the office and clients started to notice I was not around as much. No more greeting them at the door as they came in, no more helping with check out, I vanished. When I did decide to be social, I was actually really rude! It didn’t take long for me to get annoyed so I would just swat with my claws and yell at clients to leave me alone! Yikes, that is not how a kitty is supposed to act! I was always tired and just slept my days away. Dr. Ellis decided it was time to wean me off of my medication, change my diet to the Young Again diet and get me to lose some weight. (See blog #2 for more details about my diet and weight loss!)
            I feel AMAZING! I have lost weight, I have so much energy, and I’m incredibly happy and social. Clients don’t even recognize me anymore! Every time the door opens, I am ready and waiting for a nice head butt or a butt scratch! I don’t even swat at people any more… well I do sometimes!
            So, that’s me! I hope this helps you get to know me a little better and understand my ways. Thanks to the love and support from the SAH family I am the healthiest I’ve ever been. Here’s to many more years of supervising the front desk and getting to know all of our clients!

Until next time,
              -Murphy Cat

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